Ephemeral Brush is an interactive spatial experience that transforms movement into generative art. Using TouchDesigner, Max MSP, Ableton, and Resolume, we created a system where motion-capture brushes generate real-time particle visuals while triggering DMX lighting and reactive soundscapes. This temporary canvas explores the fleeting nature of art through physical interaction with technology.

Ephemeral Brush:
An Interactive Art Experience

6 Weeks
Fall 2024
    Shalimar Alvarado
    Harrison Smith


    A majority of my efforts went into designing the visual interaction of the experience. Using TouchDesigner, I created three particle generator systems that I then mapped via Resolume to different projectors in the space to fit a 270 degree panoramic space.
    We had to map the dimensions of the space to map the motion capture coordinates to the visuals, sounds, and overhead DMX lighting. This involved busting out some old school algebra using the distance equation to calculate the distance from the center of each "section" the motion capture was and use that to affect the level of light brightness and sound amplification.
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