Inclusive Laundry:
An Exploration in the Accessibility of Laundry

My Role
User Interviews
Field Studies
Journey Mapping
Sketch Ideation
This project aimed to explore the future landscape of laundry accessibility. The goal was to gather insights to inform P&G’s strategy and product development for the next 5-10 years. The focus was on addressing the needs of older adults and individuals with learning and cognitive disabilities.
15 weeks
‍Jan - Apr, 2024
    9 UX Researchers
    3 P&G Advisors

    Problem Statement

    How can we help P&G create accessible laundry experiences?

    P&G is looking towards the future, aiming to create a universally accessible laundry experience and wants our help figuring out how.
    How can Live Well Collaborative assist P&G in creating a universally accessible laundry experience that meets the diverse needs of all users and generate empathy within P&G’s broader organization to better understand the potential of designing solutions for inclusivity?
    • Improve the entire laundry process by addressing current pain points faced by older adults and persons with disabilities.
    • Educate their team with storytelling tools of consumer's experiences to provide a foundational empathy for people with disabilities.
    • Crafted personas and journey maps that highlight major accessibility challenges faced in the laundry process.
    • Informed foundation of empathy through qualitative research methods.
    • Uncovered socio-cultural shifts in disability perception and definition.
    What's the plan?
    The project was divided into 3, 4-week phases.
    Understand the Users
    Build Shared Empathy
    Concept Creation
    Phase 1
    Phase 2
    Phase 3

    Phase 1: Secondary Research

    Where do we start?
    Designing for people with disabilities and older adults starts with understanding the diverse challenges they encounter.
    Contextualizing and understanding disabilities through data:
    Through our secondary research, we explored the wider context of disabilities and how they affect the population. By visualizing quantitative data from trusted sources, it gives more P&G context into how disabilities affect our population at large.
    We wanted to frame disabilities not as something only a select number of individuals are born with, but as something that everyone experiences whether temporary or long-term and it is our responsibility as a society to ensure inclusivity and ensure we are not disabling anyone of any condition.

    Phase 1: Primary Research

    Meeting the users
    We interviewed with older adults and people with disabilities to learn their laundry process and any pain points.
    We created three interview guides (for older adults, persons with learning disabilities and one for their caretakers).
    • Each interview lasted for about 60-90 minutes.
    • All interviews were recorded and transcribed on Otter.AI.
    • All data gathered was uploaded and analyzed on Miro.
    2 Older Adults Living by themselves
    2 Couples + 2 Live Alone
    4 Persons with Learning Disabilities

    From the interactions we learned about their laundry routines and how their disabilities affect their processes.


    Let's take a step back

    After initial interviews with the users, we realized we could learn more by observing other aspects of their life beyond laundry.

    Phase 2: Primary Research

    Going back for more
    We went back to 4 of the 8 participants homes to learn more about who they are at a deeper level.
    We created three new interaction guides.
    • Each new interaction lasted for about 90-120 minutes
    • Participants tested out 3 unreleased P&G laundry products
    2 Older Adults
    2 Persons with Learning Disabilities
    3 Unreleased P&G Laundry Products
    From the second interactions, we gained insights into challenges and values in other aspects of their life for a more wholistic understanding.

    Phase 3: Ideation

    Lets turn data into design
    Along with the design requirements, we used a mad-lib ideation exercise to generate over 300 initial concepts.


    Reflection and takeaways
    As my first UX research project, I learned valuable lessons in qualitative research, effective interviewing, and the value of accessibility.
    Personal Growth
    • Demonstrated ability to conduct empathetic user interviews, gathering deep insights to inform accessible design decisions
    • Proven commitment to inclusive, user-centered design, ensuring that solutions meet the diverse needs of all users.
    Goals for Next Time
    • Involve a diverse group of users earlier in the process to gather a broader range of perspectives from the start.
    • Organize time constraints in a more effective manner especially when working with many stakeholders to allow more time for idea refinement.
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